Back in 2019, one of the features of the night was the announcement of the winner of the highly successful “rewrite the school song” competition.
It was none other than our most famous thespian, STEVE TANDY (Tandles).
(You will find Steve’s new words to the tune of “John Peel” below, AND the original words)
This year there’s another bottle of MOËT or a SLAB OF BEER to be won.
We want your FAVOURITE STORY about what St Leo’s did to you – or what you did to St Leo’s!
Email your story to classof69leos@gmail.com. Regale us in 50-100 WORDS with a blast from the past that has stayed in your schoolday memory bank forever. We’ve all got a favourite – so please tell us yours. Feel free to take aim at anyone, any incident, anything at all.
Like this one:
Pie-faced Wiggles
It was Year 8 when Michael Raper pretended to thrust a jam tart with cream into the face of the Headmaster whilst he patrolled the playground, only to find that the tart left the alfoil tray and splattered the nose and glasses of Brother Wigmore. The playground went silent, after a collective deep intake of breath, before Wiggy erupted and threatened 12 of the best “in my office NOW!”
If you prefer to talk about it on the night, rather than writing about it, that’s fine – just let us know in advance that you want to pipe up.
Most 69ers never even knew we had a school song. It was a dirge to the tune of Do Ye Ken John Peel, and judging by the words, it looks like it was a bit of a rush job. Check this out.

Then Steve saved the day with this. Bravo!
Brother Dowd threw chalk, Brother Gore the strap,
Boaters flung as frisbees soon replaced the cap
That we wore in our early primary days
As we grew into men at St.Leo’s.
Cricket, football, science and drama too-
There were always many varied things to do
Blue and gold, red and green, were our four house teams,
But Loyola came last nearly always.
As we lose our teeth and paint our hair,
We remember handball that was always there..
Salad rolls and pies were our daily fare
As we broke for our lunch at St.Leo’s.
Fifty years have passed since we went our ways,
Looking back with fondness on our old school days.
Memories fade – it’s a vague distant haze,
But oh boy, we had joy, at St. Leo’s!
The Von Rapper Family Singers got together on one day over a few beers and wines and knocked out a real dirgy version of the school song for you all (our gift to the great 69ers), with a few harmonies thrown in.
This was a one-take recording, which is probably pretty obvious. Here goes:
Back Row (L to R): Greg Stewart (St Pats ’73), Maureen Raper (Mount St Benedict’s ’73), Ray Raper
(St Leos ’70), John Raper (St Leos ’66)
Front Row (L to R): Michael Raper (St Leos ’69), Patrick Raper (St Leos ’71)
On Skype from London (see phone in the middle) Peter Raper (St Leos ’76)
Does anyone remember the Brother Connell-produced LP recording of the Oliver soundtrack, featuring Peter Sandal (Oliver), Michael Gearin (Mr Bumble) and Gary Martin (Artful Dodger)?
It might not be priceless (but should be), and Martin would pay heaps if anyone still has a copy. Rumour has it that Gary Kay does indeed have a copy (yet to be confirmed) but he was not able to make it to the 2019 reunion.